I am an Associate Professor in Forensic Psychology in the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham, UK. My main interest is memory, in particular understanding when and how our memories are accurate and reliable. My research often uses psychological theory to answer questions relevant to the legal system or education such as “At what age are children generally reliable witnesses?” or "What is the best way for police officers to create an identification parade?” In my research, I aim to understand the underlying memory mechanisms, in order to provide a knowledge-base to develop successful evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice.

Police identification procedures & eyewitness memory
2013 - 2017
University of Warwick
PhD Psychology
Children & metamemory
Signal-detection theory
2012 - 2013
University of Leicester
MSc Forensic Psychology. First Class (Distinction)
2008 - 2012
University of Bath
BSc Psychology. First Class (Hons).